Wednesday, September 29, 2021

So far this month, 499 people have read my posts.  I had never looked at the numbers before.  I didn’t even know I could check them until today.  Over all the time I’ve posted, more than 66,000 of them have been read.  That is humbling.

I’m just an everyday person who reads the Bible, teaches a class every Sunday and have been doing that since I was 18 and got kicked out of my church class because the teacher said I talked too much...the preacher put me to teaching nine year olds, and I’ve been teaching ever since.

It was an advantage to be raised in a Christian home where every one in the family taught on Sundays and discussed the lesson over lunch after church.  It turned me into an excellent Pharisee...I kept the rules.  But that isn’t salvation.  I was twenty three years old before I knew what God expected of me--and it wasn’t just keeping rules. 

Too many times we judge other people by the rules they keep.  They look good from the outside, but what is going on in their hearts can’t be seen.  God starts on the inside.  The world and church denominations start by cleaning you up on the outside.  I was twenty three before it all became personal and I finally “got” it in my heart and became a new person.  Thank God for grace.  We wouldn’t be “new” without it. 

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