Thursday, September 23, 2021

Love the Lord your God with all your heart...and love your neighbor as yourself...

“As I love myself???”  There are a lot of people who have never come to terms with caring for themselves.  They abuse their bodies, their minds, and their time.

It’s hard to love others when you don’t love yourself very much.  Identify the things about yourself that need attention and get with it.  Start by cleaning up your act.

We discipline our leading them in the direction of what is best for them.  But disciplining ourselves...that’s another thing.

Examine yourself.  What needs work.  What things about yourself do you find irritating in other people--but forgive in your own behavior.

I’m always on time, but if a task needs to be done, I procrastinate.  I have a wonderful excuse for that...”I work better when I’m under pressure.”

Amazing all the excuses we have for ourselves and all the criticism we have for other people.

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