Friday, September 3, 2021

My ladies who clean for me every two weeks came today.  They don’t speak English, the lady who runs the company does but she is rarely here and so I can’t communicate with the cleaners to tell them what I want.  The company head says they are documented.  I certainly hope so.  I point, and they nod their heads like they understand.  Who knows.

I caught a second mouse today.  I don’t know how they got in.  This house is the most air tight house I have ever lived in.  It never gets dusty.  I am going to reset the traps tonight.  I need a cat. 

Two of my neighbors commented on how they would never set a trap or throw a mouse in a trap away.  They wanted to know who got rid of the mouse.  “I did,”  I told them.  They thought that was horrible.  They’ve never had a husband who was deployed for 13 months at a time.

The thing I didn’t like to do was fill the gas tank.  Ken always did that.  But if you are alone, and living in a strange place, you learn a lot of things you never knew about.   

You don’t know how to appreciate living in your home town until you don’t.  Everyone there knew me.  Nobody knew me in most of the towns we were deployed to.  It’s harder without good friends in a strange town.

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