Monday, September 6, 2021

I was teaching 1 John, chapter one, and found another “if.”  Which is not unusual.  I often find things when I reread something.  So my count at this point is 17 “if’s.”  Conditions for knowing you are a Christian.

My count for “Write, written, declare, message” is 17 times as well. 

John has a unique way of writing his messages to other Christians.  No other writer expresses themselves like John.  He wrote five of the books in the New Testament and as you read them, you notice the words he repeats over and over.  

Another word he uses is “abide.”  Another is “love.”  Another is “know.” I’m still counting those words. I’ll give you an update.

I color the words the same color as I find them.  “Write” is blue, “know” is dark pink.  “If” is yellow.  And so on.  Green is verses I have memorized.

When I go back to that book later, the words jump off the page.

I don’t know how you study scripture, but this method works for me.

Everybody needs a study method.  I respond to color.

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