Monday, September 13, 2021

 Everyone has someone in their family or friends who says, “I told you that, you have just forgotten.”  Or, “You are getting forgetful.”  (We all need people in our lives to tell us that when we pass a certain age???)

Of course, there is no reply that is acceptable.  Everyone else in your world may think you are absolutely amazing at recalling events, scripture, etc., but when you reach a certain age and someone says something like that...there is no acceptable reply to the words: “I told you that already.”  You have been pre-disqualified by your age.  

They may be one hundred percent wrong, but it makes no difference.  Thank God we have other people in our world who don’t seem to have a need to make us feel insignificant and past our “due date.”

The one I love the most is, “I sent you a text.”  I can check that one, and so far, I have never been wrong.  There was no text.  

You just have to accept it.  You will never win that discussion if you are over 60, or 70.  Once you are past a certain age you are free game for everyone younger.  Ahhh...the joys of aging.  

Am I forgetful.  Yes.  But not much more than I always was.  I have always been absent minded and inattentive.  I have always wandered around in a fog not noticing what is happening around me.  I can’t tell you what I wore or ate yesterday.  But it is not a factor of age.  It is a factor of me.  There is a lot going on, it’s just inside my head.  Say something interesting and I won’t forget.  But if I did forget--please--just tell me again without the negative comment like you do with your younger friends when they forget what you told them. 

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