Monday, September 20, 2021

This week, I am going to call, or go visit, the new members in our Sunday class.  We combined two classes and made one bigger one.  Some of the class we absorbed haven’t attended since the pandemic began.  Some, didn’t like having a male teacher.  Some couldn’t get there because they had quit driving.  Some just felt left out.

Most had legitimate reasons.  I’m going to try and encourage them to get back in fellowship--because they have tended to become isolate.

I have always believed that people come because someone asks them.  They don’t necessarily come to learn about religion, Jesus, or doctrine.  They come for fellowship and learn about God in the process.

We need to make people feel welcome.  Most of us are looking for some connection with other people.  The neat thing about church is that we generally become better people in the process.

Two of my members have put meeting and making people at home to work.  They have asked people they meet to join us and a number of times, they have formed relationships with new people. 

Jesus said, “Go ye therefore...”  Our class pushes us to be aware of that.

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