Wednesday, September 8, 2021

I am really making headway in cleaning out my closets.  I found around 15 scarves that we wore back in the 70’s-80’s.  Who wears those any more.  Not me.  

Also found a stack of hats from my chemo days.  I’m sure someone would like to have them.  Because I’ve decided I’m 13 years clean and I am not going to need them again.  Praise God.  So many women who get breast cancer don’t survive.

If you live to be 90, I think you will have had every disease known to mankind.  I’m halfway there?

I have now emptied two bedroom closets.  With four bedrooms, what do I need two of them for.  I only use one of them when people come over to stay the night.  

Actually, I live in three rooms.  Master bedroom, kitchen and family room.  The dining and living room and three of the bedrooms--I never go in.  The house is too big for me, but it’s what I have.  I am thankful.  I live close to three of my children.

Jeanette brought me Chinese for lunch.  Her son Brad always makes enough for me to have some.  Family and friends are a blessing.   

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