And talking about memories like the sterling silver Ken got me when he made Colonel, we did a lot of entertaining because he was a squadron commander. We didn’t serve alcohol, so there was a lot of iced tea.
Becky called last night and said, “I’ve got a present for you. Do you remember the penguin ice bucket you had when we lived in Beaufort? (1963), well I found a new one--never used--and I got it for you.”
We used the ice bucket all the time--since we served iced tea. And of course, it wasn’t a new one that she found, just one that had never been used. They must have been made in ‘56, because ours was a wedding gift. So to find a new one that had never been used is rather rare.
I told Becky that I don’t entertain anymore, but that I would set it on my kitchen counter for a few weeks and look at it and “remember.” And that when I got through remembering, I would give it back and she could sell it at an estate sale. You can only put so many “remembers” on your kitchen counter and then you run out of room to cut up a tomato or slice chicken.
At this point in life, I “remember”...because I’ve quit “doing.” It is interesting that when you are in the “doing” stage of your life, you don’t realize you are making memories. I’ve got a zillion memories. They give me the warm fuzzies.