Friday, January 7, 2022

 I have been plowing my way through Joshua, Judges, and on to Samuel one and two.  And am really glad I was born in this time and don’t have to do all the rituals, sacrifices and meetings the Israelites had to deal with.

I was talking to a Biblical scholar the other day about the Hebrew language and how it affected the words in the King James Bible.  The conversation turned to Genesis, and they said that death came through Adam because he was the first man to die.  They went on to say that you couldn’t use carbon dating because it wasn’t accurate--since the first person on earth was Adam.  I contended that he was the first Spirit filled man.  

I said that Adam’s death in the Bible referred to spiritual death.  Adam had the breath of God, (the Holy Spirit) and that after he sinned the rest of the history was about God’s restoration of his HolySpirit to us through the sacrifice of Jesus.  And they said no--the Bible was talking about Adam’s physical death.  

Adam wasn’t the first to die, Able was.  At least I know when my end of the conversation is over.

 I have difficulty making small talk anymore with anyone.  

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