Monday, January 10, 2022

I have written over 2500 blogs.  I’ve told you everything I know at one time or another.  When I sit down to write, I always think, what can I say that you haven’t already heard me say.

I finished my paper on Genesis.  Comparing it verse by verse with known strata.  I have always said that we have only two things that we have to go by about the beginning of the earth:  The Bible, and strata.  And since they are both true, they must agree.  I’ve written about it before.  Go back and find it if you want to read it.  Type “Genesis” and it will come up. 

Someone told me the other day that the dinosaurs lived “after” the time of Adam and I was so dumbfounded that I didn’t have anything to say. No reason to correct them concerning strata evidence.  The ice cores show 66 million years of “nothing” to speak of in strata after the dinosaurs lived.  Unless something lived in water, it didn’t survive.   Then God speaks, creates new land animals and then...Adam.  In God’s image.

They also said that carbon dating wasn’t true.  Give or take a few years I might agree.  Since the dinosaurs died 66 million years ago I doubt the time line is off much.  Every living thing is made of carbon...hence...oil.  

Some people you can discuss an idea with.  Some people you can’t.  I find that difficult.  I want everyone to know the Biblical account is true and how you can know that it is true.  Faith that is not based on truth is blind and useless.  We base our faith on God’s word being true cover to cover.  

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