Monday, January 3, 2022

We are three days into 2022, and I have actually accomplished something.  I cleaned up all the paper, books, cards, etc. on the floor around my chair!!  The floor is my desk top.  I open mail, write checks, etc. and throw the residue on the floor to deal with when I get up out of the chair.  And then don’t do it most of the time. . It was a mess

Maybe I am a paper slob, but I can’t ever decide at the moment what to do with stuff like that.  However, now it is done.

The beautiful December with record high temperatures has gone.  Yesterday it was 15 degrees with wind temps at minus 5.  Brrrr....

I taught my lesson by phone.  Five of us were on a call.  It worked out well.  None of them wanted to get out in the weather.  We had snow as well as the cold.  Everyone chimed in.

I covered the four topics of Hebrews that the writer was trying to get across.  1. Angels aren’t how God is going to speak to us any more.  God’s Son is who speaks now in his Word. 2.  There was rest in the promised land, but now rest will come when we go to heaven. 3. No more Levitical priests.  Jesus is our High Priest.  4. Faith is what is necessary.  No more sacrifices.  Jesus is our once for all sacrifice for our sins.

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