Thursday, January 20, 2022

Public Education isn’t perfect.  Ever since the federal government got involved with providing the money...they get to make the rules.  It works much better when locals make their own decisions about their schools.  Give them the money.  Let them decide.  Every area in America is different.  Their culture is different.  Oklahoma isn’t New York City or L.A. We have different issues.

My mom picketed against Fed funds, but only one teacher joined her.  One year later every teacher she worked with realized they had made a mistake on their vote for federal funds.  When the feds get involved, in anything--it seems like--things don’t go well.  Every rule the American public disagrees with concerning their local schools has been imposed by the Feds.

Teachers do their best to teach the subject they have a degree in, but when you have a room full of kids you can’t discipline--it is sometimes impossible.  One disruptive child stops everything.  And you have a room full of them.  Do people who send their kids to school think of it as free baby-sitting?  Sadly, some do.  Some think of it as a place to send their kids so that they can go to work.  School is free.

Private schools don’t take problems.  But the problem child is the one who needs to learn how to read, write and do arithmetic so they can get a job.  What are we to do.  Is there another way to educate the masses?  It’s a school, federal, parent, American problem.  The teachers I know are trying. 

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