Thursday, January 13, 2022

The weather today is perfect for January!  I am going to get out of this chair and walk the dog.  Or let the dog walk me.

A friend of mine with Covid has just been sent to a nursing home.  I called her last night to see how she was doing and she said someone had already stolen her money.  She is miserable. and I feel so sorry for her.  Sometimes all you can do to help someone is pray for them.

When I get to that point, will one of you who love me come shoot me please.  People in those places just lie in bed and count time from one bad meal to the next bad meal. 

Food is so important to people who are living solitary lives.  Becky came by last night and gave me a container and said I could eat it for breakfast.  When I opened it this morning, it was shrimp, lemon, garlic and pasta.  I had pizza instead.  I’ll eat the shrimp for lunch.  I’ll eat almost anything for breakfast, but the garlic stopped me.

Everyone in the Bible class has decided to do the lesson by phone again Sunday.  We are down to six people.  Two of them have Covid, and one just had surgery.  Most of the others on the roll are so far over the hill they don’t go anywhere.  They should call us the “Trail’s End” class.  It is an important thing we all keep trying to do together.  Fellowship.

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