Thursday, January 6, 2022

It has been a year since the attack on the Government in D.C.  There have been hundreds of arrests, people are in prison, and the Republican Attorney General gave one of the most inspiring speeches I have heard this year on the subject saying that those arrests were low hanging fruit and the arrests will go all the way to the those who planned it and paid for all the  airfares to get people to arrive there at the same time, to attack the Capital.  I was surprised at his speech.  But I told Carolyn that it reminded me of Churchill and Roosevelt’s speeches during WWII.

It sounds like they are trying to find out who planned it.  Military gear, and equipment, coordination, etc.  There are nuts out there, but something that none of us could have imagined happened.  I didn’t think democracy was so fragile.  It doesn’t matter as much who did it, just that if it was done once, it can happen again.  There are enough crazy people in the world to try again.  It would be sad if every election ended in a war no matter who won.

We have always believed that our Republican and Democratic leaders would do the right thing. Ken took an oath to support the President of the United States.  He served under every president from the time when he was 18 until he was removed from on-call duty at the age of 65.  He served under all of them and never questioned their party.  We are Americans.  We can do better than this. 

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