Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Freezing again.  My friend Jeanette had a broken water line outside.  It is not a good bet that you can find a plumber in weather like this, but she found one.  God is good.

If you are going to be a plumber for your living, settle in a place where it doesn’t freeze.  Can you imaging working in freezing water in sub-freezing weather!!  R E S P E C T.  

And those people on highway 95 out of DC.  Stuck in freezing weather for over 24  hours with children, no food, water, running out of gas.  Some on their way to hospitals.  That must have been agony.  I lived there for three years.  I can’t imagine being stuck in the car with my children for twenty four hours. That would have been agony!  Especially on Highway 95. 

But we don’t think much about starving, cold people stuck in third world countries with nowhere to go and no hope.  How blessed we are to live in America.  Even when things go wrong, we have hope.  Even when the supply chain breaks down, we know someone somewhere is going to fix it eventually. I tried to buy Fritos yesterday.  You can’t find them.  Nobody around here has them stocked.  And haven’t got a reason for it.

If all else fails, fry potatoes.  That’s what our grandmothers did.

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