Monday, January 24, 2022

Joseph was the topic Sunday.  He is one of my favorite characters.  He lost everything, but kept his faith in God.

Seventeen, stupid and privileged, he was his father’s favorite and had no idea how that fact affected his brothers.  They hated him, tried to kill him, but the oldest of the twelve, Ruben saved his life by suggesting they throw him in a well.  Judah, another brother, said “No, let’s get some money out of this and sell him to Esau’s (their uncle) descendants. Take the robe dad gave him, smear it with blood, and we’ll say some animal killed him.”

Bad day for Joseph.  He lost everything.  His father’s love.  His beautiful robe, his family, his freedom and his privileged position.  He ended up in prison, betrayed, alone and in a country (Egypt) where he didn’t know the language, the customs, or any of the people.

He never lost faith in God. Even though he came from a dysfunctional family.  His great-grandfather Abraham, lost faith and sired a son that is the father of the Arab nations today. (Who hate Israel)  Later, Isaac was born--who gave the birthright to Jacob because his wife Rebecca tricked him.  Joseph’s father Jacob was a mess.  A lying trickster.  Who got tricked by his mother’s brother Laban, who gave him the wrong daughter to wed (Leah) and made him wait years to get his wife Rachael.  The things those people did were not God’s will, but somehow, Joseph found God even in the midst of it.  And as for his family...God uses flawed people. 

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