Wednesday, January 26, 2022

  I helped Jeanette arrange her bookshelves yesterday.  Rather, I sat on the sofa and told her where to move what.  Doing a shelf like that is all mathematical. Your eye sees it all at once and some sort of balance is either pleasing...or not.  I think it turned out okay.  But I think in color, stacks, upright books, doo-dads and empty spaces.  Now we will see what she moves.  That is the real test.

I have six regulars in my Sunday class.  Two have Covid and one more is in quarantine.  All of them had their shots.  Another one just got out of surgery.  Kinda hard to teach with everyone sick.  I-phones are wonderful.  Everyone can get together on a group chat, and talk at the same time--which keeps the conversation going--until everyone can get well.  So far, I haven’t even had a sniffle.  Praise the Lord.

I was talking about Joshua Monday.  And his dysfunctional family.  First in line was Abraham and Sarah.  They knew better than God about Sarah’s ability to bear a child and took the situation into their own hands.  Sarah gave Hagar to Abraham and Hagar had a child, Ishmael--who became the father of the Arab nations.  War ever since.  Issac was born to Sarah--finally--when she was way past the age of bearing a child.  God did what he said he was going to do--He just didn’t do it soon enough for Abraham.  Bad results for taking things into his own hands.  It doesn’t work for us either. 

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