Monday, January 17, 2022

Just when I thought that wind farms were going to be a miracle energy replacement for burning carbon fuels, the front page of the Oklahoman today spelled out the problems that have come with a wind farm that is failing.  The blades are breaking, the casings for the generators have burned up, and all the underground wiring has to be replaced.

And the company that made all the parts has gone bankrupt so that all replacement parts have to be individually manufactured.  It is a money disaster.  Surely, the problems that have emerged can teach a lesson in how to do “wind energy” better.  Eventually we will run out of oil.

Water power is another clean source, but building dams kills fish.  The Oregon salmon run has almost been completely wiped out because the salmon can’t get past the dams to their breeding grounds.  I watched a documentary on China’s dam building experiments that have shut off down stream fishing in Laos and Viet Nam.

I guess there are consequences for everything we try to do.  And they are unforeseen.  I am glad I am not in charge of all of that.  I wouldn’t know what to do...before, or after.  I pray that there are people who are trying to solve our problems with nature and our world.  God bless them.  I hope they don’t give up on trying.

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