Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Today I am leaving the house!  Going to lunch at a little cafe in Luther with Pat.  I used to go to lunch with her in “Jones”.  If you are ever in Jones, eat at Rooster’s.  The catfish is to die for.

Luther is a little town also; her new library job has changed towns, so we will learn about another small town cafe and what their speciality is.

Once when I went to Jones, someone had told me about their brother who lived there, was in a wheelchair, and had to have constant care.  So I took a plate of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans.

When I got there, the man wasn’t sick, in a wheel chair, or in any way in need of care and never had been.  I didn’t know him, he didn’t know me.  Come to find out his brother had been “losing it” for a year.  I didn’t know.  I was certainly embarrassed.  I can only imagine what he thought.  I left the plate of food and trucked it out of there.

I finally tried making chili yesterday and got to share it with Jeannine who lives across the street and brings me food all of the time.  I’ve never been able to make decent chili.  Becky told me to triple the tomatoes.  Yep.  That was it.  I now can make chili!  And not ashamed to share it.  Jeanette brought me Fritos she had found at a grocery store.  Have any of you tried to buy Fritos?  They are scarce.  And everyone needs junk food every now and then to eat with their chili.

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