Friday, January 21, 2022

Ann and I didn’t go out to eat breakfast today.  She got food a a drive through and brought it over.  Jeannine called and asked what I needed at the grocery store.  Great friends.  With this kind of service I may never have to go out anywhere at all.

Amy Smith wrote and said my comments on Genesis were so interesting that she sent them to her college  kids.  I told her I had written a paper on the subject (over 60 pages---more complete) and Carolyn (Pryor Carolyn) had a copy she was welcome to reproduce if she wanted it.

So maybe the best thing I can do is stay home, let everyone else take care of what I need, and write!  But I don’t think that would be fair to my friends.  They are really good to me.

It has been bitterly cold here.  I used to wonder why the old-timers sat around and talked about the weather.  Now I know.  It is supposed to be back to sixty degrees Sunday, so we can get back to the class room at the church.  We’ve been teaching the lesson by phone.

If you quit going to church in the pandemic, it is time to get your groove back.  Broken habits are hard to reconstruct.  Fellowship on common objectives is important. 

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