Tuesday, January 11, 2022

I’ve changed KFC day to Monday.  And maybe Friday, too.  I don’t eat enough protein.  I’ve started rolling bean, tomato, spinach, and Mozzarella cheese up in flax tortillas and nuking them for a few minutes.  I have to keep inventing ways to eat protein.

I didn’t realize that I was a picky eater until my kids left.  Now, I don’t cook big meals because there is nobody to eat them.  One at a time burritos is easy.   (“is” is the proper tense for the word “one”, but it sounds funny)  

I have to force myself to eat eggs.  My friend Jeanette made me a quiche and that was a delicious way to eat eggs.  (I have three people who bring me something to eat at least once a week)  I don’t buy milk because I won’t drink it.  I eat cereal dry. But when you are raising children, you cook for your family.  So I ate a lot of things I didn’t like.  Now I don’t.  

I’m glad I didn’t have to leave Egypt and live on manna.  That would have been very boring.  Breakfast, lunch and supper.  (Or dinner if you are from up north.)  Forty years the Israelites wandered around in the desert eating manna.  It would have been easier if they would have just done what God told them to do.  You would think people would learn from the past, but history just keeps repeating itself. 

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