Friday, January 14, 2022

I lost track of the day.  I have a sequence in which I do things and as Ken would say, “When you are coming in to an airstrip to land, if you skip a step getting ready to bring a plane in, you will land wheels up.”  I must have landed wheels up today.

Ann brought breakfast and we ate it here at my house.  We are both nervous about a horrible stomach flu that is rampant in Edmond--as if Covid wasn’t enough. Jeanine just brought supper, so I am fed for the day.

Tonight and tomorrow is supposed to be 50mph winds.  Single digit temps.  Sounds like fun. 

I did go get my hair done.  Some things are worth taking a chance on getting the flu.

We are doing my class by phone again Sunday.   I am so much like all of you are.  I want this crazy stuff to be over.  I wonder if we will ever go back to normal.


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