Thursday, January 27, 2022

Abraham’s son Issac, blessed the wrong son because his wife Rebecca and youngest son Jacob tricked him.  Which caused a terrible rift between Jacob and Esau--with Esau trying to kill his brother.  Jacob fled to his uncle Laban’s home which was far away.

Jacob fell in love with Laban’s daughter Rachel, but Laban tricked him and gave him Leah instead.  Jacob waited and served Laban for years and years to be able to marry Rachel.

Then Jacob tricked Laban by breeding sheep that would be colored in favor of Jacob owning the sheep.  And when he had enough, he snuck off with his two wives and two concubines to head back to his home and face Esau.

 Laban comes after him and says that someone stole his gods.  Rachael was the one that did that.  She was sitting on a camel on top of the gods and claimed it was her time of the month and she couldn’t get down.

They all were dishonest.  I wonder how God feels when he is disappointed with his children.  I wonder what God feels when he is disappointed in me?  I really, really, really do not want to embarrass  God.  I carry His name; I am a Christ-ian.  Every one knows that about me, so when I fail, it must make God really sad.  But, he doesn’t give up on any of us.  He didn’t give up on Jacob. Hey you people out there, don’t give up on me.

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