Friday, August 19, 2022

Friday again.  Ann isn’t coming to go to breakfast--she’s on vacation.  My appointment with my publisher for lunch was cancelled.  So I have a day to myself.  I am going to work on the flower beds.  The heat has almost burned them up.

All but the weeds.  You can’t kill them with heat.  Or anything else.  You have to pull them up.  Or Roundup them--which is poison and I hesitate to use it very often.

Bringing the succulents in for the winter is coming.  Getting them ready to move inside will take some time.  I dread that, but I don’t want to lose them.  I’ve spent years getting them to the size they are.  One year when I brought them in, ants had built nests in the pots and I had a virtual ant invasion in my kitchen.  That wasn’t fun.

Squig has started eating sweet potatoes.  He loves them.  I wouldn’t have thought of that if the vet hadn’t suggested it.  So, I eat them too.  I had forgotten how good a buttered sweet potato was.

My eating habits have become, “Whatever.”  I don’t seem to be as picky as I used to be.  As long as I don’t have to cook it, I’ll eat it.

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