Thursday, August 11, 2022

I am going to get my teeth cleaned today.  At my age, I’m lucky I have teeth to clean.  But I still have good teeth.  I have always been a fanatic about brushing and flossing and it’s paid off.  I still have one part of my body left that works as it was intended to work!!!

The luncheon yesterday at my house was a success.  I sat in my recliner and the group did everything that needed to be done.  They even answered the door and let guests in.  

They brought all the food, and one of them brought ice and filled glasses.  I had told them that they were always welcome to have a party at my house but that I couldn’t do any of it myself.  They rose to the occasion.

The only bad thing was that my cleaning ladies (who usually come twice a month) didn’t come--they cancelled because three of them had Covid.  Luckily, my house doesn’t get dusty.  Nobody knows why.  The house across the street that I first lived in got dusty.  Every house I ever lived in got dusty.  This house doesn’t.  It’s very unusual.  It had been a month since the cleaners were here and when I started to dust, there wasn’t any dust anywhere.  It is a blessing.  At my age, anything I don’t have to do is a blessing.

And I am discovering that much of what I always thought had to be done was just busy work.  Either that or I am growing lazy??

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