Monday, August 8, 2022

 I had two questions Sunday as I was teaching my class.  Both concerned Paul’s use of words.  (He has a number of words that he uses repeatedly, that other of the writers seldom use.)  First, I asked what was the difference between “Wherefore,” and “Therefore.”  

“Wherefore” comes when Paul is using what he has just said to make a summation.  He uses “Therefore” to challenge them to do what comes next...after they have understood the “Wherefore.”

My next question concerned the difference between the words “which,” and “who?”   We read the verse in Philippians 4:13.  “I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.” I pointed out that the word “which” is used...not “who.”  

Obviously we can’t do all things.  It doesn’t say “Christ who strengthens...” There is no “who” in the verse.  The verse should be rearranged to read I can do all things which strengthen me through Christ.”  Words matter.  I grew up discouraged because I thought I should be able to do anything in the world because I was a Christian.  When I finally understood the verse, I realized that if something would strengthen my life--things which strengthen me---I could do it no matter how hard--because if it was going to strengthen me, Christ was going to give me strength to do it.  He wasn’t going to help me grow wings and fly.  There are some things we aren’t designed to do.  We can do all things “which” strengthen us--through Christ.

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