Friday, August 12, 2022

I now hold the record for the mess of the day (week, month, year).  I seldom drink cola, but yesterday I poured a glass of Dr. Pepper to have with a sandwich--then set myself down, put the TV clicker on the arm of my chair, the plate with the sandwich in my lap and the glass of Dr. Pepper on the floor.  And proceeded to knock the TV clicker off the arm of the chair with my elbow.

It landed upright in the glass of cola, which then tipped over onto my phone, my open Mac computer, and an electric strip which held the plug ins for the lamp, shredder, hot pad and a couple of other things.  Not to mention all over the carpet.  

What a mess.  I have learned a lesson.  Not only can I not do two things at once anymore, I can’t even manage one thing at a time.

Everything is sticky.  I did my best to clean it up.  Took the batteries out of the clicker, but every number on the face of it is wet and oozing.  My phone won’t work.  It’s a miracle that there wasn’t a fire from Dr. Pepper in all of the slots of the electric strip.

I never let my kids drink any kind of “pop.”  I think I will restrict myself as well.  Obviously, I can’t handle it.

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