Wednesday, August 17, 2022

It rained last night.  About a quarter of an inch.  We will take all that we can get.  

I am going to get rid of some furniture that I have had for ages.  It just sits there, doing nothing, waiting to be dusted.  

I gave all my depression glass to my granddaughter Amy, she asked if she could have four place settings of the pink sparkle dishes she ate off as a child.  I gave her twelve.  And all the side pieces. 

Stuff means nothing unless it holds a memory.  I want less.  And less.  I’m not going to throw a party...unless it’s one like I had last week where the girls do everything and I sit and watch.

If something that I have holds a memory for you, come get it.

I understand the phrase, “Less is more” now.

Craig came over and fixed my printer.  He is awesome.  Any thing I need, he comes.  Jeaninne called this morning to see if I needed anything from the grocery store.  Carolyn called to see if I was up this morning.

I love my people.

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