Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The days have been cooler.  I sat on the back porch yesterday and there was a cool breeze and lofting white clouds.  Lovely.  Squig liked it too.

The eagle was back---watching Squig--who only weighs 11 pounds.  As long as I stay close to the dog, the bird keeps his distance.  I understand it is against the law to kill an eagle, but if this one gets close, he will be a dead bird.  There is a sanctuary over at Arcadia for eagles and this one needs to go back home.

Pat told me that the bird was a kite.  Nope, I know the difference.  The wing span alone is a give away.  The white head as well.  Three foot wingspan.  Live and let live...unless the bird wants to eat my dog.

Squig is going to the vet today.  He has Cushing disease which is destroying his liver.   We will redo his bloodwork and get all of his shots.  I really like this new vet.  Her name is Dr. Strong.  She picks Squig up and nuzzles him until she has his trust.  And he is a good judge of character!  Squig likes her.  That’s good enough for me.

She has explained all of his meds to me and what they do.  She even wrote the instructions down for me (by hand)  so I wouldn’t forget.  One of the drugs has to be compounded.  My advice is, “Don’t let your dog get Cushing’s disease.”  Treatment is involved.  Not only expensive--but the dog is worth everything to me.

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