Monday, August 22, 2022

I have two more great-grandchildren on the way.  That will make ten grand, and ten great-grand.  Mercy.  My four children have twenty off-spring--children and grandchildren.  I never in a million years would have thought of such a clan back when I married Ken.  

And when you add in all of their spouses, that’s twelve more.  And of course, I add in Ann and her family, (eleven) my sister and her family (seven) and my Brother and his family (I don’t know how many--some I’ve never met), we all make up a small town.

I don’t even try to remember anyone’s birthday, or anything else.  I’m the oldest leaf on the tree in my family.  I just pray for them, that all of them will be believers and spend eternity in heaven together.  So far, so good.  Somewhere in the Bible it says God will bless his faithful to the seventh generation.  If I start with my grandmother, that’s six generations that I know. 

Sometimes I write something, re-read it, and delete it... I love this Mac Air.  It makes blogging so easy.  I remember when the electric typewriter came along, I like to never broke the habit of reaching up to shift the lever to take me to the next line.  If you are old enough to remember carbon paper, and correct-o-type, you know what I’m talking about.  Now, this Mac even corrects my spelling and graphical mistakes.  I love it.

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