Tuesday, August 9, 2022

My friend Carolyn, (Pryor) called last night fit to be tied.  She had just given up (after 45 minutes on the phone) on having a conversation with a representative of AT&T.  One of those, “I can’t understand you, can you get me someone who speaks English.”  Followed by an indistinguishable  “Hello.  Hello.  Can I help you.”  Repeated over and over.  Then, “One moment please...” long silence...different unrecognizable voice.  That’s when you get to state your problem all over again. 

She moaned, “I just lost a piece of my life I’ll never get back!  And accomplished nothing.”  They wanted her to pack the phone stuff in a box and mail it to them at her expense.  They said it would be $99 to come to the house and get it.”  She finally called Nathan (grandson) and he took care of it.  No charge. Problem solved.  We all need a Nathan in our life.   

She had me in stitches...because we have all been there.  I had just listened to my friend across the street relate her exact same conversation with an AT&T rep the day before so I knew all the details.  We’ve all been there.  That’s what makes it so funny.

Carolyn said one of the good things was that there won’t be AT&T in heaven.  We will have a direct line to God; there will be no “Press 1 for God; Press 2 for Jesus: Press 3 for the Holy Spirit.”  I could hardly listen because I was laughing so hard at her.   

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