Tuesday, August 30, 2022

 Yesterday, I discussed a subject that is the heaviest I have ever brought up.  I figured that by today, I would have an entire community of you readers out there down on me for what I wrote.  Thank you for your silence.  It is golden.  Trying to love people is good advice.

I went to my General Physician yesterday...for the last time.  She is going to a less stressful part of medicine.  I’ve been with her for seven years now, and we have become friends.  When I left her office, she gave me her personal phone number and asked me to please call her and let her know how I am and not lose touch.  She also called a physician that she admires a lot--and asked if they would please take me on as a client.

That will make the transition a lot easier when I need prescription refills.  She said I am a medical mess--however, she said I am a cheerful mess--and she wanted to choose who I went to.  There’s no point in being gloomy when you have lived as good a life as I have lived and reached the old age of eighty-four and still kicking.  I think I am in good shape for the shape I am in.  You can be the judge of whether I still have my mind.

I thank God every day for his blessings.  I should have kicked the bucket when I was thirty-four and they removed the walls of my heart and left me with no beats.  Or fourteen years ago with advanced aggressive breast cancer.  Or in a number of close calls on the road through the years.  We need to thank God for what we have--and not for what we have lost.

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