Monday, August 15, 2022

 With Cushing’s Disease, (which is what Squig has--a liver thing) comes a side effect.  He throws up if he ingests too much.  So I am feeding him small portions all throughout the day.  Dry food, canned food, rice, sweet potatoes, etc.  Which....if I give him too much, he throws up.

And he has a preferred place to do that.  The living room carpet.  The rest of the floors are for the most part tile.  He doesn’t like tile.  I wait until it dries, then vacuum it up--which leaves no trace.  But the waiting until it is dry is irritating--to say the least.  

We have had discussions about this, but he isn’t listening to me.

He rules my roost anyway.  Little by little he is losing weight.  He seldom has jump-up-and-play-puppy days any more.  But last night he got his toy and brought it to me.  I threw it, he wandered over and looked at it, then looked back at me, and didn’t bring it back.  Bless his heart.  He wanted to, but just didn’t have it in him to do it.

Watching someone leave slowly is heartbreaking.  You want to help, but there is nothing to be done.  All you can do is love them, and make it as easy as possible.  Chicken breasts seem to help.  So I buy  tenders, grind them up and sprinkle them on everything he eats.  He now knows the words, “Do you want some chicken?”  That perks him up.  I love him and he loves me back.  What else could a person want. 

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