Wednesday, August 3, 2022

I took Squig to the vet yesterday and they did all of the tests that he needed--everything was super improved.  I’ve been giving him two different medications every day for the last two months.   (He has Cushing’s disease.) He doesn’t like them, but we get it done.  I win.

Only problem is that he has lost another pound--10.5 lbs now.  Down from twelve.  And he is anemic.  Which is not surprising since he has been taken off of all fat.  The vet said to buy sweet potatoes and roast them in the micro-wave--to get more calories down him.  Canned would be easier, but she said use fresh.(I know I have written too much about my dog--this is the end of it)

I like this vet a lot.  She always leans over and picks him up in her arms.  He likes her too.  Even though he gets shots, he is always eager to go in the building.

This can’t go on forever.  I know that.  But it sure is hard to think about.  Someone asked me if I would get another dog when Squig is gone.  No.  I’m not going to do that.  Watching family and pets suffer is too much.  I’ve lost all the people and pets I want to watch go.  My cousin Ann--that I spend a lot of time with--just put her “Georgie” down.  It was awful.  Becky has lost Mayh, Annie, Max.  Pat has lost four or five dogs and never got over losing “Trouble.”  Dogs.  They are wonderful...I’ll probably get another one even though I’m saying I won’t. 

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