Thursday, August 25, 2022

Today I am making chicken salad. Chunked white meat, pecans, celery, cranberries, etc.  Yum.  My granddaughter Amy is coming for lunch.  

She is enrolled at the college here...I always call it Central State.  Just when I figure the name of a college out, they change it.  Amy works at the Oklahoma City zoo.  She is getting some kind of degree in management of zoos, or parks, or something like that.....?  There are so many specific degrees anymore.  

We are getting 5G on our street.  I think that is what they call it.  They have managed to tear up everyone’s yards, and tear up sprinkling systems for two of my neighbors.  AT&T.  enough said.

Jeanette brought my supper last night.  Sweet and sour chicken--it was fabulous.  I love anything Chinese.  Panda has a “orange chicken” that when I go and get it, there is enough for four meals--I freeze three.  I always love it when I pull one of those out of the freezer for my “surprise a meal.”

Yesterday my surprise a meal was chicken pot pie filling.  I put it on toast.  Yum.  Sometimes, I pull something out of the freezer and ask myself why i froze it in the first place.  I’ve started giving myself permission to toss it.  I was raised that you NEVER throw food out--so it has been hard to do.

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