Thursday, August 18, 2022

Today is my wedding anniversary.  August 18, 1956.  Ken was with me for 57 years--I keep celebrating.  66 years ago.  It seems like yesterday.  God knew I didn’t have enough sense to choose a person to live my life with and plopped Ken on my doorstep.  Literally. 

He asked me to marry him, I said no.  He proceeded to break the sound barrier over our little burg of Pryor week after week--until people in the town were saying, “Janie, marry him so we can all get some rest.”  He was 25 years old, back from Korea, knew what he wanted and didn’t give up.  I was 18, and didn’t have a clue.

“What’s it going to take,” he asked me?  I was being flippant when I answered,  “Three quarters of a carat, in platinum.”  It arrived in the mail the next week.  I realized I had to make a decision.  I thank God every day that I made the right one.  He was awesome.  Everyone describes him as “Bigger than life.”  That’s true.  

I’ve taught women all of my life in my church.  The problems they have, I never encountered.  Ken was the most giving, unselfish person I have ever known.  If I wanted something, he wanted me to have it.  He handed me the paycheck every month.  “Learn how to spend it,” he said, “I’ll be gone most of the time.”   I was just a kid.  It took awhile, but I got there.  He never said a word about what I did.  He loved me.  What more could a person want.

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