Monday, August 1, 2022

 Sunday, I mentioned to the women in my class that I knew them pretty well--and that I knew they wouldn’t be tempted to do evil.  Satan doesn’t tempt Godly Christians that way.  Evil is no longer attractive to a person who has turned their life over to Christ.  We obey Him because of love, not because of fear.  We are different inside.  We want to do what is right.  We carry God’s name: Christian, and don’t want to embarrass our Father.  It’s not a matter of following some list of rules.

Instead, Satan will tempt you by putting something good in your path.  Something that moves you away from the better thing.  The thing you are supposed to be doing.  Evil wants to tempt you to re-prioritize what you do and get you distracted, so that you end up doing a lot of good things but never get back to the best thing...the thing God wants you to do.

We let good things get in our way, and sometimes end up not having time for the things we are supposed to be doing.

I guess a better way of saying that is, “First things first.”  If that has happened to you, look at what you are doing that keeps you from doing what you should be doing.  Re-prioritize your life in the order it should be.  Then, the good things that drive you to exhaustion every day won’t get into the way of God’s plan for your time.  For your week.  For your life.

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