Monday, August 29, 2022

Ken taught Sociology for over thirty years and of course there were multiple case studies printed in text books that were sent to him by publishers  that presented sexual deviations from male-female sex. Since then, the entire discussion keeps expanding with new letters. 

We are on a slippery slope.  If there is agreement that you are “born that way,” the next step is you are born preferring sex with children or goats.  We can add the letter P and G.  There is no end to it.  And the community that does not agree with the “born that way” side of the discussion is pushed to agree--or they are judged to be judgmental.

Sex is a drive.  Like hunger, or thirst.  It pushes life forms to engage.  If there was no sex drive the species would die out--because it is a rather odd thing to desire to do without a drive to participate.
It is probably better not to say anything.  But there is such a push to get people to agree that all forms of sex are blessed by God--by shaming people who think otherwise.   I am starting to feel a little defensive when people say I am judgmental if I don’t agree to discuss it. I am not a judge.  I agree to love everyone.  

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