I am back in the hospital with my arm. It looks like I have third degree burns over the entire arm. And it itches like crazy. The reason I moved to Edmond is so I have help when this happens. It is very frustrating. But I have a good doctor. Craig, (Becky's husband) has the dog.
There isn't anything I can do about it. Just lie here and let the antibiotics do their thing. It usually takes three days for it to start to heal. Bummer. I hallucinate on the drugs they give me. Pat says I called her at 1:00 AM this morning, and rambled on and on for thirty minutes. I don't remember that.
I don't have my Bible which is absolutely necessary. I could use the online Bible, but I use the concordance to look up the verse that I want to share. My Bible is a Thomason's Chain. It is really helpful. I bought it in the early sixties and it needs to be rebound. Every margin is full of notes that I have jotted down when someone was teaching that chapter.
There is a huge cross erected outside my window. I like that. It towers over the skyline.
Jesus said that there were two commandments. To love the Lord your God with all your heart, and to love your neighbor as you love yourself.
People gloss over the fact that we are to love God. He is worthy of our love.
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