Thursday, July 9, 2015

Well, I don't think we will be having huckleberry pie.

My mom was the pie maker.  I never learned how to make flakey crust.  But Becky perfected the art and every Thanksgiving since my mom died, she makes the pies.

When she read my blog about the $90.00 gallon of huckleberries, she put her foot down.  "No.  I won't take a chance on making a crust for that expensive a pie.  I'm not going to make a ninety dollar huckleberry pie and take a chance on messing up the crust.  So you can forget it.  What were you and Pat thinking!!"

I guess that is that.  No huckleberry pie.

Becky drove me to Pryor yesterday.   I went by the house there and could have just wept.  All my beautiful gardening efforts have gone to weeds.

Weeds are like sin.  You have to get a hold on it early and uproot them or they take over your life.  I will have to hire someone to go clean up the flower beds.

One interesting thing, and that is:  You can't go back.  Life is a river.  Always flowing in one direction.  Once done, that part of your life is done.  I won't be moving back to Pryor.  I live in Edmond now.  And it's good.  I am really happy here.  It comes as a shock.  I thought it would be harder than this to readjust.  But no.  It's been really easy.  Praise God.  He has been so good to me.

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