I have a number of friends who are "prayer warriors." When they pray, you are lifted up and comforted. I would put Sally Casey at the top of the list. I, on the other hand am so flitter-brained that if I talk to God for ten minutes, I've said everything I ever knew. Ten minutes for me is a very long prayer.
I'm sure he knows I am sincere. I always try to start by thanking him for all the wonderful things he has done for me. And for mine. I am so thankful for my friends. And this week, I have been overwhelmed with thanks for all the people who are helping me. Craig brought breakfast. Ann is bringing supper. And I got to take a real shower. Hallelujah. As long as I had an open wound on my arm, I couldn't. That opening on my arm that was dripping water was probably where everything went South. God has seen me through this--again.
I got a call from the nurse (RN) who came to my house at 6:00AM, 2:00PM and 10:00PM every day for a couple of weeks the last time I was down with my arm--to give me shots. She didn't have to do that, but knew how I hated the hospital, so she volunteered her time and expertise. Sometimes she brought breakfast and coffee. Becky Bacon. God sent her. She reads my blog and called to say how much it meant to her and her hubby, Mike--and how was my arm?
I'm sure God heard my prayer of thankfulness for that!! Who but a friend would get up at 5:30, drive five miles, and give you shots at six in the morning???
Mike is the pilot that flew my Bible to Fall's Creek the year I forgot to pack it. He is a character. He plays the part of Wiley Post at the Claremore "something-or-other" every year and dresses the part when he flies in with "Will Rogers." Wiley's eyepatch and all. Mike was Garth Brooks and Tricia's pilot for awhile. He has almost as many flying stories as Ken did.
Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loveth at all times, and a brother (family member) is born for (when you have) adversity." Thank you Jesus for friends and family. (That's a prayer, not much, but a prayer nonetheless.)
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