Monday, July 13, 2015

I finally have a TV.  The guy who installed it broke my cable, said he would be back--and left forever.  Two technicians later it is finally running.  Not that there is anything to watch.  Except Blue Bloods.

I am hooked on Blue Bloods.  But I think I have watched all the episodes.  I like the fact that at the end of the day, everybody sits down at the family dining table to eat--and share the events of the day.  That is how Ken and I lived our lives.  It it comforting to know that somewhere, some family is still eating at the same table instead of out of a fast-food bag.

So.  I work outside in this awful heat for about twenty minutes.  Then I come in and cool off for an hour.  Little by little, step by step, the yard is coming under control.  I just have to keep at it and not give up.   I haven't worked this hard in years and years.  I have pulled or dug out hundreds of elm seedlings that are at least three years old.  Their roots go down a foot.  I am at one hundred and counting.

Everyone that passes by asks me why I don't hire this done.  I wouldn't think of it.  Only when I find something I am not strong enough to do.  Then I call in the big guns.

While I was in Pryor, I went to the church and got my marimba.  I wonder if I will ever play it again. You have to be asked, and no one here knows that I play.  They might not like it anyway.

Psalms 98:4-6 "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.  Sing unto the Lord with the harp; with the harp, (and the marimba) and the voice of a psalm.  With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King."

It doesn't say you have to be any good.  Just sing.  Play.  Participate.  Rejoice.  The church that I joined has an unusual music leader.  Miss America from three or four years ago.  Beautiful voice.

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