Friday, October 23, 2020

 A couple of days ago, I was in the kitchen doing something or other and looked up to see a mouse running down the hall toward my bedroom.  I had mice in this house when I moved in and called Tony to find where they were coming in and get rid of them.  He did.

He found a hole in the heater closet in the ceiling--they were goin into the attic and coming down through the studs in the wall to the inside.  Tony fixed it.  Closed off the entry points, sealed up everything--no more mice.

Only thing I can think of is that I left the garage door to the house open for a minute when I went into the garage to get something from the freezer.  And a mouse took advantage of the opportunity. 

So, I set traps.  Nothing for two days.  Not even any evidence of mice anywhere.  And then, last night as I was getting ready for bed, I happened to glance into the bath tub and a very small little mouse was looking up at me.  He had probably fallen off the bath platform ledge--but how he got up to the ledge is a mystery. You could tell he was exhausted from trying to climb up the slick sides of the tub to get out.

It took a bit of time, every time I almost grabbed him he would jump up in the air.  But I finally got him and took him outside where he belonged.  He said, "Thank you.  You are a very kind lady."  I said, "Don't come back."

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