Monday, October 19, 2020

 You remember the old saying--or was it a song..."Thank God for Unanswered Prayers." Well, Sunday, our lesson was from Isaiah.  About Hezekiah, the prophet, the leader of the remaining Israelites in Jerusalem. Hezekiah was very sick; he was dying, and he prayed for God to extend his life.  It was not God's plan for Hezekiah to live longer, but since Hezekiah had lived an obedient life, God listened.

God answered his prayer and gave him fifteen more years.  In Second Chronicles 33:1, we read that Hezekiah's son Manasseh begins to reign when he is twelve years old.  Which means he was born three years after Hezekiah got fifteen more year of life. (Math.)

Manasseh is described as evil.  He built alters in "high places" to idols.  He worshiped strange gods and abandoned the God of his father Hezekiah.  It would have been better for Israel if Manasseh had never been born.  But Hezekiah got what he prayed for--and later, had an evil son. Manasseh led Israel away from their God into idol worship--an abominable leader. 

I couldn't help but think that sometimes, we need to think about what we are asking God to give us.  Because sometimes, He does.  And sometimes it isn't good for us.  Or others.  But God says he will hear us.  He says, "Ask, and you shall receive."  Probably it's better to pray for His will. 

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