Thursday, October 8, 2020

Today I get my hair cut.  I can't stand it any longer.  I'm to the point that I'm about to take scissors to it myself.  All the TV people broadcasting from home need haircuts as well. They look scraggly.

One thing you don't "get" when you are young is why older people are bent over when they walk.  You have to get old to "get" what's going on.  Fact is, the bones in your spine have worn down and the nerves are getting pinched.  When you lean over, it "un-pinches."

There are lots of things that become clearer as you age.  Becky brought me one of those million dollar walkers, so I am back to walking around the block with Squig pulling on the leash.  Nothing wrong with my feet, knees, hips, or legs.  Just need something to lean on to take the pinch off the spine.  I hate to use a walker.  It looks like I'm old and helpless.  I'm not.

Squig is afraid of the walker.  He is the worst "Chicken Dog" I've ever known.  Anything new and different is an enemy.

Everyone I know who has had spine surgery seems to regret it.  They fuse the bones.  Then you can't bend at all.

I'm not old yet.  So I'll wait and see what's next?  I don't know exactly when a person gets old.  I think it's all in your mind when you do it.

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