Tuesday, October 27, 2020

 I went to get the mail for myself and a neighbor (who is in the hospital), and both of our mail boxes were sealed shut with ice.  I had to brave the slick driveway and sidewalk a second time to get a hammer to bang the mailboxes open.  

The trees still have green leaves, leaves that are now coated with ice.  This hasn't ever happened in my memory because it never freezes or ices up until the leaves have already fallen.  The ice that is coating the leaves is so heavy,  limbs are breaking all over town.  And breaking power lines.

All of the houses on the other side of my street have lost power.  When I went to get the mail there was a huge boom at the end of the street.  And then another, and another.  Sounded like a plane crash.  I bet it was a transformer.

I was watching TV--thankful that I had power--when it occurred to me that I probably ought to get candles and matches out.  Just in case.  And a flashlight. All my flashlights were dead but one.  Thank goodness for the one.  I'll rectify that and purchase batteries as soon as the ice melts. 

It is terrible when it is cold with ice coming down outside and the power goes out. But sleet is better than freezing rain.  Only an Okie would say that.  We understand weather. 

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