Wednesday, October 7, 2020

 My garden is going down the tubes.  Okra has almost quit.  Tomatoes have quit blooming and setting new little tomatoes.  The only thing growing with enthusiasm is the crab grass--which has taken over.

Why do weeds always succeed?  If you leave your garden unattended, the weeds take over.  Unattended lives seem to succumb to sin in the same way.  It takes effort to get good results.  Bad results just happen.

When a child is born--and I have raised four of them--You don't spend any time at all teaching them to do bad things.  You spend all of your time trying to teach them to "Not" do bad things.  You have to work at it to teach them good things.  You are constantly correcting their behavior. 

Don't spit.  Don't bite anyone.  Don't hit anyone.  Don't throw food.  Etc., etc., etc....

And then teaching them the considerate things they should do...say please, thank you.  Take turns, share...

God knew the condition of the human soul.  We needed a savior from ourselves.  We are born as our own worst enemies.  We need parents who love God who will teach us His ways so that our lives will be rich and fulfilling. America is raising a crop of weeds for lack of Godly parents.

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