Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Today is going to be a good day because yesterday was a bummer.  I had my annual mammogram (You girls know what that entails!) and when they were through, they told me to wait for the radiologist.

Sitting in a "four by four booth" with a hard bench, in a gown waiting.  Waiting for two and a half hours.  They had some sort of emergency and got backed up.

It was like herding cattle into a chute.  I gave up, got dressed, and walked out into the hall and a nurse said, "Where are you going!"  I said, "Home." She said, "You are next."  I said, "I'm not putting that gown back on."  She said, "Okay, follow me--you have to have an ultrasound and see the radiologist." She knew I was DONE.  I was.  Everything turned out Okay.

Jeanette drove me there and we went to the Red Lobster afterwards.  Don't go if you think the menu is the same.  It isn't. No lunch menu.  They brought me the wrong meal.  The lettuce was so limp it hung off my fork.  I wonder if restaurants are going to survive this Pandemic.  They did their best, but it wasn't memorable.  I've been there a dozen times since moving here...none of the staff that was familiar was there.

Like I said...today is going to be a better day.  I may eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  No more mammograms for a year.

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