Friday, October 16, 2020

 I have always enjoyed reading the short list of instructions at the end of the first book of Thessalonians.  It clarifies the things I am supposed to be doing in my everyday life.  1 Thessalonians 5:14-22

1. Warn the unruly.   2. Comfort the feebleminded.   3. Support the weak.   4. Be patient with everyone  5. Don't render evil for evil.

6. Follow that which is good.  7. Rejoice evermore.  8. Pray without ceasing.  9. In everything give thanks--because this is God's will.

10. Don't quench the Spirit.  11. Don't hate prophesy.  (On this one--we must remember that there is no new prophesy.  The words of Christ ended with one unfulfilled prophesy--that he is coming again.  All prophesy is about His first appearance, or the second return of Christ.  If someone says they have a new prophesy--you need to run.  They are anti-Bible.)

11. Prove all things. (Fact check)  12. Hold fast that which is good.  And last....   13. Abstain from all appearance of evil.  (All of it.) 

Then comes the promise: "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly...faithful is he that calls you who also will do it."  I try to live by these instructions.  Sometimes I'm successful.  Sometimes I'm not.  But they are always in my mind as God "grows" me day by day.


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