Thursday, October 29, 2020

God is in control of weather.  We can't stop it.  We can't change it.  We can't avoid it.  Man just thinks he is in control of things in the world.  Roofs are damaged.  Cars smashed.  Ice storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados--and fires on the West coast are raging.

My yard looks like a war zone.  Every house on my street looks the same way.  Every tree is split, torn apart or bent over to the ground.

The entire side of the street opposite my house is still without power.  I feel so sorry for them, but at the same time, I thank God my power came back on.  I have a happy-guilty feeling.  So sorry for my neighbors.  I've invited them to take advantage of my extra bedrooms.

The news this morning told us to hold back our garbage cans because there will be no service for days.  Every person on city crews is clearing trees and branches off the streets.  Chain saws are roaring.

Perhaps we need to be reminded from time to time that we are totally dependent on electricity. The adjustment to life without it is terrible.  I guess if you lived in the country, had chickens, cows, goats, and had canned everything in your garden after you picked it, you would survive.

We city folk wouldn't.  What havoc such a small thing as ice can inflict.

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